Esoteric tantra
New course is open on Wednesdays, from 5:00 PM to 7:30 PM
Tantra is a life-changing path of human development, deep happiness, true love and intense, conscious pleasure. Tantra is not only about eroticism, support for a relationship or dealing with emotions. Tantra is an authentic spiritual path that we can follow by learning from all of life’s experiences.
This path is for anyone who wants to live more fully and experience deeply all that life has to offer us. Life becomes an exploration where no aspect of life is denied or ignored. The journey starts from where we are right now!
The Esoteric Tantra course systematically introduces us to the secrets of ancient tantric teachings. These sacred teachings, previously only given to the few and chosen, are offered in the course adapted to modern life, combined with modern research, so that we benefit from them. Course is suitable for individuals and couples.
” When love is infinite,
impossible becomes
easily possible”
-Gregorian Bivolaru
The tantra course is taught also in English. The theory lesson in English starts 5pm. The practice part is shared with the Finnish class from 6pm until 7.30. There will be either a translator or the teacher will give the essential instructions also in English. Class ends 7.30 (the theory in Finnish is kept 7.30 – 8.30).
You will receive the theory lessons also on paper, in English. This weekly esoteric tantra course runs on every Wednesday and you can join also later in the autumn or in Jan/Feb 2025.
- Wednesdays from 5:00 PM to 7:30 PM
- Course is open to new participants until February 2025
- Introductory offer: September and October for the price of one month
- For online courses in English, see: onlineyogaacademy.com
Signing up
Course fee | 1 month |
Normal price | 75 € |
Student/ unemployed | 64 € |
(Choose your reduction if needed, and click ”valitse”)
What will happen in the course?
The duration of the weekly tantra class is 2.5 hours, of which about 1.5 hours are various tantric yoga exercises and techniques such as asanas and meditations. After this, the class will delve deeper into the topics of each week’s teaching in the form of theory, such as tantric principles, the theoretical basis of the exercises, and the study of tantric lifestyle and tantric eroticism. Every week we delve into a new exercise and tantric teaching. The same group continues their studies together year after year, supporting each other in a supportive spirit.
You will receive written material for all the exercises and studied topics, so that it is easy to continue practicing and applying them independently. All erotic exercises from classes and meetings remain homework, and the ambience in the classes is respectful and kind.
All of our teachers have passed the ATMAN association’s 4 years yoga or tantra teacher training.
What is Tantra? Click the headlines
Tantric exercises guide the practitioner towards the highest spiritual goal known in spiritual traditions as Self-realization.
The methods offered by Tantra aim at the gradual expansion of consciousness through the conscious assimilation and deep understanding of everyday experiences.
While advancing on the tantric path, practitioners encounter many emotions and inner states such as: happiness, harmony, well-being, intense pleasure, but sometimes also frustration, anxiety and irritation. In all of these experiences, tantrics seek to anchor themselves in their own center, as a lucid witness, fully enjoying all life’s experiences, and at the same time fully detached.
Tantra teaches the mechanisms of spiritual development based on universal laws and principles. These principles show us what it is possible to achieve in life by applying them. Tantra, however, leaves complete freedom of choice regarding the application of these teachings. Only by knowing all the options and their consequences is one truly free to choose between them.
Blind faith or mere intellectual reflection is not enough to bring about profound transformations or insights. Even if someone believes everything that is taught in the course, it is worthless theory without personal experience of the subjects studied. Reality as a universal whole is revealed to us precisely to the extent in which we practice Tantra in our lives.
The tantric lifestyle includes everything; How we walk, talk, eat, breathe, sleep, react, love and be loved. Everything is connected to everything, meaning you are also connected to everyone around you and the entire universe.
Tantra is not an abstract philosophy, but the ability to live our lives holistically. It’s not something you know, it’s something you do.
When Tantra is practiced in a relationship, Tantra becomes like a joint meditation in the couple, which springs from the fusion of feminine and masculine energy.
Tantra invites us to find the Sacred intimate dimension within, where body, soul and consciousness unite, bringing about the state of complete fulfillment and harmony that most people are yearning for. This deep love and connection has a beginning but no end.
This cannot be accomplished in one day, but Tantra is a life-long path. Tantra is the ability to live each moment as if it were our last.
Tantra is constantly revealing more and more deeply to us. Once we have experienced the depth, it takes us deeper and deeper. When we have experienced something intense, tantra moves us towards something even more intense.
Tantra is much more than incense and kama sutra postures. It is much more than looking deeply into another person’s eyes. It is even broader than making love with increasing intensity, in a deep heart connection. It is more than simple stretching exercises, rituals or meditation techniques.
Tantra is much more than just an opportunity to access the immense power of erotic energy and achieve multiorgasmic, ecstatic experiences. Tantra leads us to the realization of our innermost essence above our mind and personality, to the core of our spiritual heart, Self-realization.
Who is the course suitable for?
For everyone who is looking for ”something deeper”: Tantra both awakens and offers answers to life’s biggest questions such as: Who am I? What is the deeper meaning of my life? Where do I come from and what happens to me after death? Also, the longing for a deeper connection in a relationship and love life is an excellent starting point!
For those seeking authentic spirituality: Tantra is a powerful path for anyone who wants to accelerate their spiritual development. The course offers techniques and methods of ancient secret teaching linages, with the help of which it is possible to achieve even the highest spiritual goals.
For those interested in self-development: The course is suitable for anyone who wants to improve their health and overall well-being, to increase creativity and power of focus, and for those who want to awaken their full latent potential. Most of our students have come to the course to benefit from authentic tantric knowledge and learn various techniques in order to achieve a specific goal or profound life change. At some point while walking the tantric path, they have found through their own experience that yoga, meditation and tantric techniques have not only helped them achieve their goals, but also helped them find completely new directions in life. The results speak for themselves and the best thing is to try it yourself! Many of our students and teachers have been practicing yoga and tantra for more than 20 years, and with the help of the teachings they offer, they continue to develop themselves and deepen their spiritual growth.
What can I learn in the course?
• How love relationship and eroticism provide a powerful path to spiritual growth
• To transform your everyday experiences into a deep insights about yourself, others and the universe around you
• The ability to control and direct erotic energy, which enables both ecstatic erotic experiences and directing this energy to support spiritual growth
The courage to trust life and boldly embrace the lessons it brings.
• Courage to trust life and bravely accept the lessons it brings
• To strengthen the ability to concentrate and expand awareness, which allows access to a deep state of meditation
• The ability to find beauty and harmony even in everyday things and to live from the heart
• The ability to remain calm and unconcerned in the whirlwinds of life’s storms, as well as practical methods for embracing on and mastering one’s own emotions
• Ancient Tantric initiations for spiritual development
What effects does Tantra have?
With the help of exercises, you can achieve harmony and health both physically and also at the level of emotions and thoughts. The gradual awakening of one’s own latent resources enables the realization of ones goals and dreams.
Applying Tantra to everyday life and relationships increases happiness and the ability to love. It deepens the erotic life into wonderful, ecstatic experiences and brings fulfillment to other areas of life. Inner growth leads us to discover that within us lies bliss, eternity and oneness, through which we are in constant connection with everything and everyone else, in the entire universe.
Content of the 1st year of the Tantra course
• A new perspective on yoga, concentration and tantric attitudes throughout life
• Understanding and applying the concepts and basic principles of Tantra to life, e.g. polarity and attraction between masculine and feminine energy, the law of resonance, the law of correspondence, etc.
• Increasing self-awareness and own relationship with the surrounding world
• Practical exercises for mastering erotic energy, developing self-confidence and willpower, increasing empathy and love, concentration, meditation, relaxation and many other topics
The first year is divided into periods where, as a model of self-knowledge, one learns about subtle energy centers (chakras) and their effects. Chakras are the subtle energy centers of our being that provide a precise map for deepening our self-knowledge. Each chakra period is studied for about 1.5 months, during which exercises are done to strengthen and balance a certain energy center. Exercises have profound effects on our health and well-being.